Acknowledgments - The Irene Mermet manifest I found on Ellis Island site simply by googling Irene Mermet New York. The Marut documents I found on ancestry dot com from a tip from Jan Christoph Hauschild. The Blom and Irene Mermet manifest is also there.
technical note - I cannot display these well on a phone, so I won't try. Designed to be read on a standard computer monitor with 1920 pixels across (1600 will do).
Ret Marut - left Liverpool England on July 27, 1923 bound for Quebec on the Megantic ship of the White Star Dominion line as a 3rd class passenger. He declared himself to be 41 years old, a citizen of the USA. He had arrived in the port of Harwich on Steamship Line (unreadable), apparently from Copenhagen.
Declaration of Passenger to Canada - July 27th, 1923 - SS Megantic - third Class - Ret Marut - age 41 - Male, single- present occupation, Farmer -Birthplace and Citizenship, USA - American race - Religion, Luther-Protestant - object in going to Canada, to USA via Canada - do you intend to remain permanently in Canada, dont know - Money in possession, 50 Dollars - Nearest relative in country from which you came, Relationship, Give full address, an unreadable scrawl and no attempt at relationship or address - signature of booking agent at Copenhagen.
Irene Mermet - sailed from Copenhagen on Aug 2, 1923 to New York Ellis Island on the ship Oscar II. She declared herself to be 31 years old, a student and citizen of Germany, from Köln. She arrived in New York on Aug 14, 1923.
Frans Blom - sailed from Southampton England on Sept 12, 1923 bound for New York on the Majestic ship of the White Star line, arriving Sept 18. He had come from Copenhagen, do not know the date he left, would really like to know the date he arrived in Copenhagen and the dates the Museum hosted his Mayan exhibit.