all from negatives, 1950s-60s
All photos by Henry Schnautz, Rights Reserved, Copyright 2008-2022 by Henry Schnautz and Terry Priest.
All photos available for use under Creative Commons Commercial license CC By-SA 2.0. This means you can use for a book or an article. Please use the CC credit line and "Photo by Henry Schnautz". I would also appreciate an email with a brief description of your project simply for my education.
Henry Schnautz Photo Archive on Flickr
With his GI Bill benefits, Henry Schnautz enrolled in the Art Students League school of New York and began painting portraits. The native Americans were taken from archive photos. Henry was friends with historian Eve Ball who interviewed descendants and contemporaries of the chiefs.
Henry's painting of the chiefs Victorio, Cochise, Naiche and Geronimo are on display at the St. Joseph Apache Mission in Mescalero, New Mexico. You can just barely see them in one of the "After" pictures flanking the main door. See page 4 and 6