1943 Dec 5 - Letter Esperanza to Henry

It is two weeks since I have received a letter from you which as you will understand has me very distressed. I hope it is due to one of the damned graces of the censors and not because you are ill or ...something worse.

5 de diciembre de 1943

Querido Blue-Eyes:

Hace dos semanas que no recibo carta tuya lo que como comprenderás me tiene muy angustiada. Espero que se deba a alguna de las malditas gracias de los señores censores y no a que te encuentres enfermo o ...a algo peor.

Por favor escribe inmediatamente que recibas ésta y dime si podré enviarte un regalo para navidad. Te preguntaba en una de mis cartas anteriores si te gustarían unos calcetines de lana y hubiera necesitado que me lo dijeras con tiempo pues será necesario que me eche a - buscar por todo México para encontrar unos que te vengan. ¿Te acuerdas cuánto caminábamos para encontrar zapatos que te vinieran y que después de recorrer todas las zapaterías resultaba que los que comprábamos te quedaban chicos? Pues toma eso en cuenta y contéstame luego.

Te quiere siempre tu enemiga,


December 5, 1943

Dear Blue-Eyes:

It is two weeks since I have received a letter from you which as you will understand has me very distressed. I hope it is due to one of the damned graces of the censors and not because you are ill or ...something worse.

Please write as soon as you receive this and let me know if I can send you a present for Christmas. I was asking you in one of my previous letters if you would like some wool socks and I would have needed you to tell me in time because it will be necessary for me to search all over Mexico to find ones that suit you. Do you remember how much we walked to find shoes that suited you and that after visiting all the shoe stores it turned out that the ones we bought were too small for you? Well, take that into account and answer me later.

Your enemy always loves you,
