1947 Oct 15 - Esp to Henry

México, D.F.
15 de octubre de 1947

Querido Henni:

Me preocupa mucho que no me hayas escrito; como te decía en mi anterior, tampoco del viejo tengo noticias estoy realmente afligida. ¿qué te pasa?

Si ya no me quieres dímelo para asegurarte a mi vez que bien puedes irte al diablo. Lo que me interesa es saber que no te ocurre nada, que estás bien.

Si el día 20 no he recibido respuesta tuya es que algo malo te ha pasado, entonces pondré un cable a Marie preguntándoselo; pero si estás bien y se trata sólo de que no quieres escribirme más, además de concederte la razón ya que yo no merezco el afecto de un hombre tan noble e inteligente como tú, no volveré a escribirte ni volverás a saber nada mas de mí.


Mexico DF.
October 15, 1947

Dear Henni:

I am very concerned that you have not written to me; As I told you in my previous one, I have no news of the old one either, I am really upset. what's wrong?

If you don't love me anymore, tell me so I can assure you that you can go to hell. What interests me is knowing that nothing is wrong with you, that you are fine.

If on the 20th I have not received an answer from you, it means that something bad has happened to you, then I will put a cable to Marie asking her; but if you're fine and it's just that you don't want to write to me anymore, besides conceding you're right since I don't deserve the affection of a man as noble and intelligent as you, I won't write to you again and you won't hear from me again.
