Henry sent these pictures home, numbered and wrote descriptions on the back. The orginals are 1.75" x 2.75", glossy, in good shape, except for the first one, small, but they scan and enlarge well. They are either July-August 1940, before the assassination, or immediately after.
No. 1 - The Churubusco River is to the left. The new part added to the wall is white. My room had been in the large tower. My window is facing this way.
No. 2 - As seen from a window of the small tower in foreground of picture No. 1
No. 3 - Same as No. 2 - main control tower on extreme right visible
No. 4 - Taken inside thru 2nd grated door. Main control tower on the right.
(Natalia Trotsky in the yard)
No. 5 - Doorway same as in No. 4 in middle of picture.
(Looks like Albert Goldman on steps, Trotsky lawyer)
No.6 - The path runs to base of large tower seen in no.1. The wooden stairs leads to my present room. The pieces broken from the brick wall even with Jake's belt, made by machine guns in May 24 attempt.
(Jake Cooper, guard from Minnesoata, left the compound a few days after the assassination)
No. 7 - Looking toward the small tower in foreground of No.1, taken from kitchen porch.
No. 8 - The building in background is city hall. Was headquarters of Cortez in 1521 in his 2nd attempt to take city of Mexico. This is in Coyoacan.
No. 9 - The Churubusco River 1/2 mile above our place. 1/2 mile below us is the convent where the Mex. and Am. army fought in 1847 in Mex. war.
Some more interior shots Henry took at about the same time