All photos by Henry Schnautz, Rights Reserved, Copyright 2008-2022 by Henry Schnautz and Terry Priest.
All photos available for use under Creative Commons Commercial license CC By-SA 2.0. This means you can use for a book or an article. Please use the CC credit line and "Photo by Henry Schnautz". I would also appreciate an email with a brief description of your project simply for my education.
Tuxtla 1946 Photo Archive on Flickr
May 14, 1946, Henry and Esperanza took a plane from Mexico City to San Andres Tuxtla in Veracruz. Henry was discharged from the Army in April 1946, and was on a train to Mexico City on May 1. I have few details of the trip, just two plane tickets and a lot of pictures. This is the largest group of negatives of Esperanza, 50 on this page. In his notebook he says the trip was to Tuxtla and does not mention any secondary location. Negatives are 120 format, some are quite sharp, cut in pairs. I have tried to sequence them but its a guess. Enjoy a day on a hunting trip in the jungle near San Andrés Tuxtla in 1946.
The Spanish language magazine Jornada has an article about Gabriel Figueroa's recollections of Traven with a picture of Esperanza from this same trip. Henry also had a few prints and no negatives, so maybe Esperanza also had a camera. Jornada captions the picture Ocosingo but I think that is not likely. Recuerdo de B. Traven - La Jornada
All the pictures on this page by Henry Schnautz, rights reserved