Henry took these pictures at Nuremberg in 1945. He wrote the captions on the back of the photos. He was drafted into the army in spring 1943. He spent most of the year on the East Coast, then shipped to England. He spoke German pretty well and he stayed in Germany after the war until April 1946. He told me he would buy up the GI issued cigarettes from the soldiers who didn't smoke and sell them to the local people. He photographed the bombed out city and wrote home to his mom how awful and depressing was the destruction of buildings hundreds of years old.
"You count them"
Henry was assigned to a machinery and maintenance unit. After the war they assembled the surplus.
Nazi headquarters is in the background, renamed the Merrell Barracks. Nuremberg 1945.
Then count these too The best $80,000 foxholes the U.S. had Combat vehicle pool Transmitters by the ton The best money could buy Small arms scrap 1945, best available in 1944 Junk dealer's harvest The wealth of nations - autumn 1945 Worth millions 8 months ago - now scrap Planes Junked 3rd Army scrap metal collecting point - 1945 the wreckage of "Civilization" orig no caption Kaufman and Heckman bring in another - 1945 Payne stalks a tiger "Murphy" the dog, Payne the dog face - neither comprehends The side that wins is always right - they write the histories